save for sundays,
i wake when it’s pitch dark.
early morning and i have always fancied one another.
coffee, candle, clean crisp thinking.
i’m my most guttural come 4am.
i’ve ceased reading/watching morning news.
she’s been stirring our souls instead.
no need for downward dog.
THAT voice centers, calms and soothes me into a perfect nook of space.
off i go.
I like to get up early now that I don't have to {but not as early as you}. So nice that you have such a lovely ritual! You are inspiring me to make it more sacred. Many years ago my yoga teacher {who I would vote my best teacher in life} was adamant about not listening to the news, especially in the morning. It makes such a difference and the important stuff you find out about anyway 🙂
p.s. I have NOT forgotten about your classes, ugh, this week is taxes and my column due and then I can come!
xo Mary Jo