first off, i seriously hope this is the closest i ever get to fur.
but many thanks to the folks at locale magazine for asking me to take part in their ‘actual oc wives’ story.
much to bravotv’s chagrin we aren’t all velour, track suit donned, trout lipped, twilight obsessed, back-stabbing wrecked trains.
some of us work ’round the clock, would rather go naked than wear bebe, and can sit for hours {in fantasy world there’d be that kind of time} discussing everything from yesterday’s bahrain protests to our local homeless veterans, and how we can help them {sometimes just a hug or a cup of coffee}.
this past weekend i told hunky i am ceasing fire on orange county.
although a native, for as long as i can remember i have blitzed my hometown for its superficiality and conservative tendencies.
never feeling comfortable in my own O.C. skin i’ve always gravitated toward san francisco, los angeles or new york.
my grit quota never quite being met in land o’la-la.
but i’ve called a truce.
some of the most wonderful, like-minded people i’ve ever met live right here in my hood.
a hood with the most beautiful year ’round weather anyone could buy….a lot of them do.
my loved ones are just a car ride away; i can see the ocean from my front door.
my hunger for culture, knowledge and stimulation is constantly sated.
it’s me who just has to stay eternally curious.
orange county didn’t suck. my attitude did.
Very cool! I'm glad you & your town have a fresh beginning. (:
i really like this change in outlook you described (although perhaps i shared your old oc-negativity and may now have to rethink a bit myself???)
Congrats on the press – photo looks great. Love the attitude….and that Bebe comment had me rolling.
You are such a celeb all the time!!! That's a gorgeous photo.
Well…I know what you mean…I am not quite where you are, yet, sadly, and I should know better. I often refer to NB, as beautiful as it is, negatively (looking down on it I might add). Husband is even worse about it. And that show? I find it embarrassing. Clearly I need some of your attitude adjustment! XO
no matter where you are (NYC, SF etc) you have to search to find people who are up to a standard of your equal. they are not a dime a dozen or even a dollar. i'm glad you are here in the OC helping add to the numbers of interesting people against type and cliche'.
Actual Housewife Schedule:
7:45 am: Baby poops and needs a change
7:55 am : go downstairs to find 4 year old son has drawn tiger stripes on his face with permanent marker in your absence.
wish i could include a picture for you.
ps. loved the photograph of you.
miss you.
Congrats on the feature!! You look beautiful! After visiting Laguna for Mary Jo's photo shoot, I really fell in love with the area. 🙂 It's truly paradise. I'm back in my hometown, but still long for SF. Sigh.
Also, I love love love your Lanvin shoes! They are beyond amazing.
well my dearest one, I guess this means you are not coming North? I was holding out with so much hope. Okay, at least my better half shares your love of OC, and with this gathering of my favorite people, I truly believe there will be a journey SOUTH after this wine country 'sabbatical'.
p.s. you are so stunning! Will you please send me a copy of this magazine? I want to read it (all about you) in person.