friday happy to you m’loves. california should be receiving its first autumnal deluge any second, and i couldn’t be more excited. i love me a nasty storm. here’s my recipe for making the most out of a hawkish downpour:  trenches, boots, and scarves...
it just feels like that kind of week m’loves. Similar posts:the fountain of youth in a blue bottle...spring rainand the world will live as one...luck be a lady in...
typically i’m not fond of february 14th. too much red {my color liked least} and too little spontaneity. hunky and i choose to celebrate everyday as valentines rather than designate one silly day. {pause for involuntary gag} but just in case, this one wacky year...
O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree! Much pleasure thou can’st give me just in case he IS checking his list twice here is what i would be asking for if we lived in that magical world where friends weren’t sick, parents didn’t fret over bills, animals...