my dancing both worked and didn’t. for weeks i’ve been bouncing, flinging, flipping, and romping round for the rain gods. breathless, the beasts and i bounded round the roost beseeching the powers that be for winter weather.

bellied up, our tongues lolled, eyes too exhausted to smile; we slept sapped and satisfied listening to requited raindrops patter down on the roof all weekend long.

favorite and i seemed to have romped a little too vigorously. the showers came down, so did we……with colds. grrrrr. barricaded under duvets and a bouquet of lanvin (sawyer love’s mommy’s perfume) we drank tea, read, and watched movies.


as always, there’s nothing my boy of ten can’t ease: colds, headaches, heartaches.

even sick i was able to have a nice weekend.

sawyer protecting his anonymity