alas, my days of idle have come to a close.
gone are the mornings of birdsong wake-up calls, and balmy evening jaunts through the thick, lacy woods.
here’s a glimpse of my last day out and about with my new lover: the hamptons.
crossing paths on her way in and my way out of the house, my meg does it again with her wicked style.
just in from town with lunch with a friend, this is what true pregnancy chic {6 more weeks to go} looks like.
all the way down to the gold-studded boots that sparkled in the sag harbor sun, she kills like always.
post photo shoot, i hopped into the car, found a great country station, and did my best to get lost…
literally for hours and hours and sad, “save me baby jesus” song after another, i drove through roads of wooly, sky covering trees which seemed to provide a protective, older sibling comfort around me as i carelessly coursed down highways and rambled through alleyways unknown.
many a dead-end road, private lane, and do not disturb sign went clumsily unseen by this curious driver.
although the conversations were a bit one-sided.
making my way out through the thicket, i moseyed my way into bridgehampton, whose decor can be summed up in one word:
i kept returning to this holy soil during my holiday to vagabond its peaceful grounds, and perhaps soak in any blessings to be had.
my gravitation to this property befuddles me. i’m not the religious type.
but something about the silence, the solitude, and unlocked gate, courted this arms wide open heart.
perhaps there were unseen, persuading voices drawing me to its hallowed moorland from the cemetery next door.
post benediction i stopped for an espresso at pierre’s just as the thunder and lightening began their afternoon matinée. a nice reprieve from the 90 degree+ heat.
although it never did rain, the sounds and sights of the storm afar, as i sipped my hot afternoon perk, made for a delightful sidewalk party.
this darling serveuse, marina {maw-dee-na} was the niece of the owner, and couldn’t have been more la-vie-en-rose: stich free of makeup she had the rosiest, mcintosh apple cheeks, perfect rosebud lips and haystack colored hair so thick farmers would pay top dollar for it at auction. orange county ladies need to take major lessons from the natural beauty look on the east coast. just like we’re starting to ban plastic bags….we should start to banning plastic surgery….
t’was an afternoon marveleux indeed.
sunday happiest to you m’loves.
It can't have been 10 days already!