
do you have the itch to ramble? that hunger to trace new footsteps through dirt paths untread? moto sometimes i salivate at a vision of an unending, open road; no one awaiting my arrival, save for stray lodging of my last second choosing with a 24-hour check-in policy, and a “dogs welcome” sign on the front door.

canoe married semi-white woman seeking the lullaby of lapping water, desert grass that genuflects under the mid-sky sun, and midnight ceremonies where i can burn cleansing sage, and dance silly for the gods. 


getting lost doesn’t have to mean packing your passport or getting your malaria shot though.

sometimes it’s as simple as looking up for twenty minutes.

space but then there are times when only certain modes of transport seem suffice, and you can’t get lost enough.

case in point: wednesday, this curious, british seal was spotted exploring near cambridgeshire. that’s over 50 miles inland! that must have been some terrible new year’s eve buddy.

because i’m still battling this wretched flu/cold {day 8} my adventures have been more mindful rather than bodily of late. i’m reading an entertaining, not great novel that’s letting me escape, and i’m watching major t.v. {love my law & order reruns.}

how is your week fairing m’loves? do you have the tickle for wander like me? what part of the globe is currently calling your name?

wishing you a most beautiful weekend, see you on the other side of sunday.

