
so tuesday’s dilemma of whether to nap or wash my hair ambled into a wednesday and thursday pickle as well. with sleep work winning out each time. 

my mop is now it’s own california state university, equipped with a zoology and botany lab, and its own campus living. tours start at 8am. mascot{s} are varying types of mites and critters. no football team, but a fierce, intra-mural, badminton squad. 


but today that will all go away. i have made time to evict the filth and university community. whether it be a dunk in a nearby drinking fountain or full-fledged recline in the ocean, i will get thee hair to water.

and that’s pretty much how it goes down: water, shampoo and water again. ever since i stopped the strict veganism, my hair has lost it’s mr. ed qualities i was experiencing in the fall.


although i love the idea of throwing on masks, potions and tonics for extra shiny lock winsomeness, i get extra wiggly with unfruitful time spent. i’d rather eat the fruit. 

 this is the whole squeeze of the hair wash: if i feel like i can’t multi-task {twitching ensues.} there is rarely a repeat or a 2 + minute wait time with product…i’m lucky if the ants in my pants allow me a rinse. 


i do enjoy drying me hair.


and voila! a coiffure of razzle-dazzle. hello weekend!