just when i think i’ve absolutely had it with facebook and its gossipy and passive agressive ways, something beautiful draws me back in.
typically it’s an animal rescue story, or an interesting article or post from my thousands of “likes,” such as brainpickings, or wimp.
but the human rights campaign push on facebook in support of marriage equality moves me to tail, furiously-wagging-itself-happy, status.
who knew a red and pink box would ignite such gratitude and pride within me?
i have been glued to the television during this history making week as the supreme court hears oral arguments against DOMA {defense of marriage act,} and that disgusting bill we had here in california entitled “prop 8.”
i couldn’t believe my eyes when i saw fellow equinox instructor, and cycle for survival favorite, paul katami standing on the court steps with his boyfriend/fiance’ of 8 years, jeff zarrillo, getting ready to testify, as plaintiffs, in this monumental ruling.
well done paul & jeff. you are making history. i’m just so sad it’s taken this long, with so much controversy.
it seems like such a no-brainer. but, i guess if you believe that gay and lesbian couples should not have the same, equal rights to get married like heterosexual couples, then it’s true: you have NO brain.
but let’s get back to facebook! after the emotion died down a little {save for when the new macklemore song gets posted–here come the tears again,} i have become fascinated with people’s creativity with their “red” profile pics.
not satisfied with the HRC’S download of the standard red box with 2 pink horizontal lines, friends have shown off their genius, making their profile bricks stand out.
there were the obvious “love” and “heart-shaped” ones, very sweet and definitely spot on with their message.
i was particularly fond of the this fancy, sparkly box. nothing like a little glitter and sequins to get me in the mood for love.
some folks were a bit more sober and impactful-this one, here, uses historic photographs of protests against segregation and for women’s rights to get their point across.
some fancied spelling it out; plain and clear as the nose on my freckled face.
of course bert and ernie made the cut. which led to hilarious comments and arguing about the sexual orientation of sesame street’s original “roomies.'”
it tickles me to see “age-grown” adults chagrin over such important opinions as to whether bert and ernie were actually lovers.
in keeping with the children’s milieu, i must pay hommage to this vintage atari gem.
even with the pitiful pixels and cheap cartoon coating, that gorilla stills unsettles me, like it did when i was 8.
those who wish to keep the spirit of christmas alive, year round, will appreciate this one. my mom’s uploading it as i type, and i’m sure adding silver bells and mistletoe.
in the words of sir elton john: yes i can feel the love tonight. nothing like a lion king reference to get me all boo-hooing again. and yes, i still knew every single word to that fabulous song.
even southern, country girl herself, paula dean, got in on the action.
and this one appealed to my carnivore friends.
maybe next week we can talk about animal rights?
for the super-lazy.
here’s my friend brian, whom i adore more than both butter and red velvet cake, nailing it with his corgis for human rights.
love you brian.
but i have to say my favorite has been the sloth photobomb.
have i missed any? what are your favorites.
i send love to all.
LOVE this post Katie! Love who you love that's what I say. Have just spent six hours driving up and back to Tahoe listening to the case and it makes my blood boil that my friends have to settle for a skim milk marriage and they are not allowed the full fat thing! And so enjoying how you've bought so much beauty and light and cuteness to the wholething….I am the quintessential sloth so am very happy to be featured….