man down

man down

day 3 of flu. bah. balls to zinc lozenges, echinacea, zicam, and coconut water. carry on. Similar posts:bittermy favorite season....happy june!that kind of...
weekend happy

weekend happy

weekend happy to you m’loves. i’m on the first flight to the city that never sleeps. see you monday morning for a recap. kiss kiss. Similar posts:weekend happyhappy weekendweekend house...
a revision

a revision

yesterday, amidst all the chocolate hearts and pink carnations i found myself in a familiar place: conflicted. a pickle of sorts. spout, spout, spout i spat my distaste for all things valentine and hallmark. but contrary is not a color i wear well. completely washes...
required loving

required loving

i love to read. always have. soon as i could link those consonants, vowels, verbs, nouns, conflict, character, resolution; i was a goner. while my friends were playing handball at recess i was convening with jo and amy. exotic vacations with the family i spent...
eyes wide shut

eyes wide shut

my toes-a-tippy are solely devoted to ballerina pointé, and deeper looks into the donut display. yet lately, my colleagues friends and i find ourselves begrudgingly walking with backs more upright, eggshells beneath our creeping feet, treading carefully on a landmined...
would you like to start with an app?

would you like to start with an app?

kittens. i’ve finally {3 months later} taken my ipad out of its box. so now what? {thumbs twittling} she’s very pretty, my ipad. pantene-hair glossy, and ultra slim fit. but for the last couple days it’s been a rather awkward round of 1st dates: ipad...