

undoubtedly, we become what we envisage ~ćlaude m. bristol a fresh, new month. a chance to do it all so much better. my focus sharp. locked on a tomorrow of promise and pride. i hold the pony leashes a little tighter. i can sense the ride amping up. i’m no lone...
a step back

a step back

oodles of ravishing shoes in our world. fancy shapes, heights, and designs. fetching to me may read utterly ridiculous to you. we find beauty in our own way. it should be personal. i tend to forget this. yesterday i forgot my kinship to someone who is struggling. why...
morning glory

morning glory

minutes before my cranky alarm chimes her rallying eep the warm aroma of my morning coffee has already kissed and coddled my gently awake. the simple, pre-bedtime chore of setting my pot’s timer rewards a million times over. steaming, spicy perk ready for me...
tick tock

tick tock

the clock’s second hand cracks like my very own desktop rapping headmistress. my current peck and pace scantily permits playtime of any kind. {although my daily fit of giggles somehow always find their way to erupt and emerge} my list these days just seems more...
happy new year

happy new year

a toast to you m’loves. cheers to finding beauty in the blah, rooting clever from the dim, and seeing sparkle in the dull. let’s twinkle-light up our lives a bit, and shine our gaiety ’round.     image Similar posts:weekend palettea...
resolution number 1

resolution number 1

i’ve wasted spent so much of my life consumed with what i put in my mouth. is it healthy? is it vegetarian? is it organic? is it good for the environment? will it make me gain weight? will it make me sleepy? will i regret eating this later? blah. blah. blah....