

thoughts, prayers, heart, and tears. japan is on my mind. Similar posts:comfortand the world will live as one...weekend round upfashionably...
flying the coop…

flying the coop…

headless chicken kind of day m’loves. tunnel. light. end. here i come. no time to chat…hopefully tomorrow {please say yes}. with my eye on spring {i see you m’lady} here are some tuesday fancies. tuesday happy. Similar posts:things that make you...
rainbow hunter

rainbow hunter

a wet morning welcome can’t dampen my weekend parade. boots strapped, i stomp myself silly into monday’s rote routine of have to. long-legged lilies, cart wheeling out of their vase, do their part to help bewitch the smile out of me. memories of stolen...
tickling my toes

tickling my toes

just a few things making me silly happy. buds refusing to bow down to the bully of frost and freeze; defiantly, flamboyantly blooming big bowfuls of petal for our cold winter favor. birthday cakes are on the brain. i’m completely heart sweet on this sugary...
weekend happy

weekend happy

  it is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye. -antoine de saint-exupéry Similar posts:heartbreaksweet child o'minewe are now boarding.....a step...