Welcome to the Jungle

Welcome to the Jungle

Well now i know why other pilates/yoga instructors dim the lights when they teach. Last night I subbed a class where The Royal Teens finally have their answer to “Who Wears Short Shorts.”  Two seconds into a single straight leg stretch, and I was...
Am I in Hollister or J.Crew?

Am I in Hollister or J.Crew?

Christmas in November!!! Yippee Skippy!! So i made my way to J.Crew; newly discovered credit in hand, drool catching bib around neck. Decisions! Decisions! As you’ll see I was obviously in an accessorizing mood. There’s only so much I can do with black...
Mostly Treats

Mostly Treats

Can’t we have Halloween on Saturday night every year??!?!?! My black cat costume attempt wasn’t very ambitious I know. As the night wore on, and my makeup wore off, I resembled more just an OC dumbass too stupid to put her makeup on properly. Most...