the tank is empty. not even a solar power cell can spur these sad legs and heavy heart.
i’m always resistant to post the non-shiny, less glossy, tumble in my twirl, nut in the cupcake musings.
but life is hard. life is untidy.
no one is exempt.
and one thing i know for sure, as bad a day as i may have or bloodshot my eyes may be from crying, someone somewhere else is crying much harder and for much worse reasons; sometimes they’re right next door.
this weekend WILL be a happy one!
i have my classes of sass {thank you mrs burns and michelle} and inspiration that i still can’t believe i have the privilege to teach. i am restored with each hour i’m with my students.
yoga teacher training continues. the days are loooooooooooooong, but the work is interesting. it makes for my homecoming extra meaningful.
i truly am the luckiest girl alive.
how goes your weekend plans m’loves?
see you on the other side of sunday.
I just read the blog. I now wish I had given more and taken less from you today. My post-wine body needed all your wonderful and motivating words of encouragement. Thank you for your deep well from which I draw even when you think you don't have it to give. And please know, those triceps things really suck! ; )
you hate the triceps now….but you'll love them come cute, fall outfit later…..