i kid you not, this will be the 3rd time i write: in the words of celine dion, and with zero shame i might add.
it began on friday afternoon when i was penning an email to my sweet angel, john p., quoting ms. dion’s {dee-OHN’s} “a new day has come,” a melodic sparkler of a song which can never contain my outstretched arms and dancing feet.
ok, ok, ok…..and my glass-breaking attempt at a vibratoless soprano. no need for bark collars around here, i just sing celine when i need my beasts to stop barking. it’s as effective as giving a crying baby ambien: like. a. charm.
bring on your judging. i’ve only just begun. i love me some celine dion. she even has her own category on this blog; has for over two years. most of my current spin students haven’t seen me work 6 gear changes to the top until they have climbed with me to celine’s bouncy, life affirming, heart-pumping, body-changing, put that cupcake down and zip those skinny jeans up, i’m alive.
talk about, can i get an “amen?!”
oh you hush now, you quebucan chanteuse with your ever-shrinking lips & hips, and your five octave vocal range, i’ll see your new day and raise you a new week and a brand spanking new month.
take that and stick it in your kids size 6x leather pants.
a new month indeed, and i am refocused, bubbling with energy {mostly of the caffeinated ilk}, and it’s all coming back to me now {seriously watched that video maybe 10,000 times in high school, and only now seeing the maybe slight, i said slight!, over-emoting on ms. dion’s part-i blame the director.}
it is, indeed, all coming back to me: my priorities.
i am sick of the sad, bored with the crazy, and unimpressed with the negative.
i’ll tell you what i am though: i am silly drunk on my family, friends, colleagues, neighbors and fellow compatriots who continue to choose the path of kindness, truth and peace. we hopscotch along this inane mountain pass called life with all of its hidden trap doors, water slides, and ziplines that give us exquisite scenery, moments of treachery, and also bits of time so surreal and beautiful we lose our breath.
i wouldn’t change one single twist or turn; even the ones made in error. how else would i have learned when i was wrong or how to say i am so sorry? for me, that feeling of a lesson learned, a pint of some seltzery humility is better tasting than any accolade, raise in pay, or slap on the back. i know these teachings grow me more robust and more compassionate with each tutelage.
so monday happy to you m’loves! although i’m sure with this celine dion reveal i just lost half of my readers.
tell me darlings, in your deepest, most private, non-facebook status place, what’s your favorite celine dion song? there’s got to be one.
and in case you didn’t “click” the links….i’ve left the videos below for viewing and listening pleasure….such a giver.
p.s. my spellcheck doesn’t even bother to ask me about the word “ambien” anymore. rad.
I have no problem with Ms.Dion, she's truly great. Although I do think it's possible to eat cupcakes and zip into those skinnies–I'm living proof. But you do have to keep up with the spinning, ha! Happy Monday Katie, you're front center today on trustyourstyle 🙂
xo Mary Jo
Love the D. Kindness is the most underrated attribute in these times. Hard to do and often involves keeping one's counsel, which I find incredibly hard to do, as am so opinionated…
I will admit I fell hard for "My Heart Will Go On" when it first came out. I thought it was better than chocolate cake. And you know what? It's true. The heart goes on. I dig through the hurt and find love again, for a place, for a people, for friends, for a person. Love multiplies like that.
I need to return to my priorities too. I've felt so very lost but found lately. Information overload and not nearly enough serenity but also not nearly enough time with friends.
There was a time when I listened to Celine Dion, I admit. 🙂 Ah, those skinny jeans: I have my good days and bad days when it comes to this.
PS: Katie, loved your fall obsession. Berry lips are the most beautiful accessory for autumn and I make great use of it too. 🙂
Oh my dear, I love me some Celine Dion! And you're not the only one who subjects the beasts to your shrilling soprano… I, as well, do such bark-harnessing solos in the cathedral-ceiling laden dining room. Acoustics abound and four-legged creatures seek hiding during my favorite Celine dity of "I Hate You, I Love You" with the amazing Andrea Bocelli. And yes, I croon his part as well.
Thank you for the giggles today! xo J
After the Titanic anthem came out, I bought the CD that featured that single. "Treat Her Like a Lady" became the new favorite shortly thereafter.
{ps} It's a slow day at work today, so reading through your archives is on the day's agenda. Your writing never fails to put me in a fabulous mood. I am consistently impressed that every post you write is even better than the last.