sultry nights

sultry nights

rum, rum wherever you are. rum away from all your fears and cares. languid meals lit by candles. slow motion camera as he lifts his wine glass from table to lips. pinot noir smiling out the corners of his mouth. pinot noir kisses when the waiter isn’t looking....
a birthday party

a birthday party

it’s my birthday today! i’m having a party. you’re invited. please wear your fanciest frock and shoes for shimmying to the left and to the right….. we’ll finish with smiles and sugar! a party favor of sprinkles to keep you safe until next...


according to, eating organic foods: 1. reduces toxic load 2. reduces/eliminates off farm production 3. protects future generations 4. builds healthy soil 5. tastes better with truer flavor 6. assists family farmers of all sizes 7. avoids hasty and poor...
bachelorette meal

bachelorette meal

what dinner looks like when hh goes out of town….. image Similar posts:happy weekend and voyage a' bon!carbo loadrationalizationoff i...
happy weekend

happy weekend

dears, what have you planned for this weekend? in an effort to disburden my doldrums i will be dusting off the ol’ beachcruiser. the wind wafting my hair wispy; i’ll coast, standing upright, legs locked, eyes closed, head held pertly up to the sky so that...
happy weekend

happy weekend

2:30 alarm today. has anyone read the healthcare bill? say anything about a national naptime referendum? all in favor say “aye”. a giant thank you to meghan, shannon and deborah for their meth face advice. deborah, the last 10 checkups have included a...