dahlings what are you plans for the forty eight hour holiday? dancing? drinks? dates? my plans aren’t set…..yet. i know there will be huffing and puffing, and tucking and squeezing. and that’s just when i’m on the clock. one thing i am craving...
i’m going to pretend i’m wearing this outfit all day long. as i go from spin class to pilates back to spin class one last time to pilates. i’m going to live in my fantasy land where i am wearing this outfit catwalking over the stoned, rainy streets...
my rope. end of it. me. hello. yesterday’s first french press: 4am, first spin class: 6am……….end of last class: 9:40pm complete sentences ceased around noon; caveman tongue takes less energy and faculty. spin class:...
Well now i know why other pilates/yoga instructors dim the lights when they teach. Last night I subbed a class where The Royal Teens finally have their answer to “Who Wears Short Shorts.” Two seconds into a single straight leg stretch, and I was...