

friday i entered the studio to teach my last class after a long, stressful week. my two-day vacation {first one in some time} was about to begin in 65 minutes; i glided in giddy, only one more hour, and it was teaching one of my favorite classes: a classical pilates,...


hello honeys. seems my voice has taken a bit of bashful this morning. a silly goblin is spoiling the happy, yogic apples. rather than tango in that tangle; i’ll sit here with you. life is stupid sweet sometimes. it’s our choice whether to see it. image...

more squats for katie

besides just being a rad song, this video made me feel a little naughty for watching. impropriety quickly manifested into sick spite as i accepted the fact my bum is far from “on call” for cartoon. even in black and white. extra side lying leg series today...
oink oink

oink oink

full disclosure: this is not a review. i don’t eat bacon. anymore. (pause for moment of silence as i commemorate days of crispy salty, sweet love. love that made all things bad and scary..disappear, for 12 seconds as i chewed and swallowed). i’m not one of...