ladylike tuesday

ladylike tuesday

today i’m going to pretend i’m a lady who lunches. the tops of my ears will balance perfectly over my shoulders, hip bones paralleled beneath. ferragamo flats. cornelia james’ gloves i will cultivate charisma and allurement. and i will master the art...
winter dance

winter dance

punxsutawney phil’s shadow sighting says we’re in for 5 more weeks of winter. bring it on. please. tis the problem with living in la la land; where 64 degrees clads me in scarves, puffers, and hats with poms poms. i crave winter weather. snow days? i wish....
a nap is a nap

a nap is a nap

at this point a blanket-less, cold forest floor looks like a cozy, cottony haven for rest. at this time (3:58am with no respite for 17 more hours) i’ll take ANYTHING i can get. signed, sleepy images here Similar posts:a messagerabbit whiteexpectationyou'll poke...
truffle love

truffle love

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! they’re here! my valentines arrived. my mailbox bouncing buoyantly on the block, unable to contain the cheeriness inside. the truffle girls have gifted us with the opportunity to buy their magic. the truffle girls:...
birthday party brilliance

birthday party brilliance

we had a birthday party saturday night. although, there weren’t st. bernards standing in for ponies. alas. i did manage to get to a whipped cream, frosted flower for my piece of the cake (happy heel clicks). this sweet, candy-colored short validates my point...