dreamy weekend

dreamy weekend

i had a horizontal weekend. bliss. any free moment was spent with favorite reclined in reverie. books were finished and started. our trees are full of baby birds! windows stay wide open and tv’s stay silent: their loud, sweet, springtime song fills our house top...


nothing to see here, move along. no shiny, twirly, tippy-toe news. i have a sneeze that wakes me up every morning now, come two a.m. just one sneeze. he’s polite that way. if sneeze’s had accents his would most definitely sound british. ah chew. nathaniel...
tepid tuesday

tepid tuesday

i’m all out. sapped dry. parched. no rococo ruffles or fancy feathers to whet my whistle today. it’s been a putty colored, purgatory morning. are you in or are you out winter? goosebumps still accessorize my outfits. still can’t quite find the...


next time i try to curtail my coffee compulsion i’ll be less public. i’m missing my dark, potent companion desperately. sure we have our mornings together, but then it’s goodbye until a new dawn. tea just isn’t cutting it. i’m not the tea...
happy weekend

happy weekend

only three more weeks of winter white. i want to store up the cold like nickels in a ceramic pig. giddy is me seeing my breath in the pitch black morning air. although, maybe i am ready to whisk away this winter coat? i am suffering a knotty stomach still, from ill...