i’m on to you southern california. i’m on to you, and i like it.  this week i’ve noticed a general breeze of the playful sweeping through the streets and cities of my beloved state. i’ve named them the santa ana sillys.  it’s not as is...
punxsutawney phil’s shadow sighting says we’re in for 5 more weeks of winter. bring it on. please. tis the problem with living in la la land; where 64 degrees clads me in scarves, puffers, and hats with poms poms. i crave winter weather. snow days? i wish....
I have a feeling that’s what I’m about to become people. And I’m totally fine with it. Let me explain. The d-bag factor in Orange County is extreme. I have to be tip toe light, lest i step in the way of  your canary yellow H2 Hummer, as you drive...