dear me how i love that hh o’mine. let me count the ways.
for months he’s been wanting to behold all things blue-faced, 10 feet tall, and sapiently humanoid.
in 3-d no less.
i have thrown out every excuse possible:
swine flu
new year’s
i’m too sad for haiti
olympics (brandi?)
i’m too full from a cupcake binge
i hate james cameron and it kills me to give him money
blue faces don’t go with my outfit
i’ve stalled this outing forever. i was still hoping hh would come to his senses, and remember we don’t like movies like this. wasn’t that part of the whole courting process? netflix nights where we’d watch documentary after documentary. he seducing me with his cerebral cortex and matinee idol good looks. me gushing over his mismatched, bare bachelor apartment, shaking my head at ridiculous other girls whom might care about decor and design (this still makes me giggle).
where did avatar fit? did he not know me?
bribing me with an extra hot latte (he knows me) we set off for the 3:30pm saturday showing. we sat, for what seemed all of lent, and watched a silly story with amazing special effects.
hh was happy. happier was i who still gets giddy from holding my husband’s hand in a dark movie theater.
What is with our husbands and their love of all things blue and war related? Brendan has been BEGGING me to go see Avatar (for weeks) and I flatly refuse. I told him to go see it with his Mom. Sometimes you just have to draw the line at Blue People.
Thanks for the shout out…but you can't use the Olympics as an excuse anymore…they FINALLY ended. LOL
Ha..ha. so perfect Katie. My husband too wants to see this & I don't really care. Still wonderful to hear that you swoon over your sweet husband. I'm such a sucker for love ♥
Hope your weekend was a good one & thinking about you x deb
So sweet. And I understand about the blue people. I used to feel this way about Star Trek. My bf would save up scads of taped reruns to watch and would just be so happy that I finally agreed to watch them (rolling my eyes backwards mentally) but it did make him so happy…it was worth it 🙂
I'm glad you finally caved…hot latte and a warm, loving hand makes for the perfect movie date!
ive avoided it as well!