white blank page.

clean slate.

excuse me miss, but do you sell disinfectant for my brain?

something to comet and pine sol the doubt and bitten lip memories loitering in my head.

rejections of …… the way life used to be.

the jolly and jolt of acting is losing its luster with each no and not right.

telephone silence slashing and slicing into my ever diminishing kettle of pluck and nerve.


don’t mistake me for dreary or bleak; the opposite rather.

yesterday was a task in wrangling my inappropriate giggle fits.

and each hour i’m given moments so hallmark it’s amazing i don’t walk around in a 24 hour cycle of blubbering ado.

a phone call with my aunt char, edith piaf at a cafe’, a sparkly beret on ella, bird of paradise in morning yoga, a woo-hoo from one of my spin students, feeding the hungry, twirling, howling beasts, texts from my dad, dinner with my ‘family’, a kiss goodnite from my hunkiest.

a deluge of delights flooding my life.

shame on me if i choose not to recognize them.

so for now i’ve scoured the deep cornices of my cerebral cortex.

clogs, snags, hindrances begone!

at least until tomorrow….{a girl knows her limits}.


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