goodbye weekend. good riddance to pity.
nothing like a visit with adored aunt charla to send the scary sadness away.
grilled cheese and homemade lentil soup help too.
new week. fresh start. favorite detests the mopey; he’s always commanded a certain dignity. a characteristic his two siblings consistently and miserably fail to supply.
i ferociously ride into this headwind of hurt with my heart lifted high, shoulders square, wearing my sincerest smile.
i get to love.
that’s not just icing. that’s icing and rainbow sprinkles.
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You write so beautiful. A real talent. Glad you got some loving and grilled cheese & homemade soup this weekend. You deserve it as you will be needing fuel for some serious loving to 'favorite'. Thinking of you x
That's right…that's the spirit! You can cry when it's time…but smile while you can.
….And sparkly sugared diamonds on top!
As you say "twirling…"
so happy you came and met baby Scout. She is sleeping at my feet, dreaming of things to destroy. I know your heart is heavy….it is always there, isn't it?
Courage, dear one.