sweet monday morning kisses to you m’loves.

it was a rather teary weekend around here, mixed with moments of quiet bafflement, and head shaking, as we fixed ourselves around the television and radio, attempting to absorb the tragedy in colorado.

i’m not sure if it was the chicken or the egg, but friday morning, my first migraine in 5 years came back for an unwelcome visit, and ever since then, mr. headache and i have been cage fighting it out in a dark, bloody room. 

other than for a few classes to teach, i haven’t left the close-curtained house in three days. 

today is a bit better. and there is always tomorrow. i am a lucky girl. 

i’m not sure today is better for the families of the colorado victims, and i doubt tomorrow’s pain will be much less excruciating.

i feel so helpless, but the me! me! me! in me needs to feel like she’s helping. 

there’s nothing i can personally do other than love harder on the ones near to me and far from me. the ones i know well and the ones whom i couldn’t even guess their surname.

that’s the part i will do and continue to do.

starting now.

{can you feel it?}

love to you from katie.