think less, feel more.
i’ve been barking this mantra a lot, of late, to my students and clients as we grind through our 6am lung bursting, quad firing, will testing anaerobic intervals.
“get out of your brain, get into your heart.”
easy yes?
one would assume.
i would also assume that skipping the 4th birthday cake flavored side car doughnut, even after a necessary costume change which shoveled me into a more elastic-wasteband accommodating pair of pants, would be simple math too, but i’m more likely to hold court in scuba gear with a herd of hungry great white sharks, than let a rainbow-sprinkled beauty like that go to waste, and i. don’t. swim.
over-thinking is my nasty addiction.
some booze bottles of vodka in one matinée sitting, others pop pills like i mainline kettle corn, or i know a man who likes to play the ponies with junior’s tuition to stanford.
i ruminate so hard it paralyzes me cuckoo-farm crazy, where i wait my “brainstorm” out, up, on a detached, safe, chilly cloud.
the stories and scenarios invented in my head, triggered from self-doubt and anxiety {which are not feelings} carbonate my brain with fizzy, toxic vapor.
it’s not unusual for me to get lost in the land of what-if’s, where the fantasy is always scarier than my reality.
but this summer i’ve put myself on a diet of thinking less, FEELING MORE.
i preach it all of the time in my classes; it’s time i walked my talk outside the studio doors.
tapping into my gut, my heart, & my soul has helped me find my smile, my tears, my fury, and my courage.
with this new arsenal, for the first time in my life, i’m making decisions rooted in love and heart rather than fear or insecurity.
yes, i still rely upon my brain to evaluate and grasp people, situations, and how i can make the best of them, but my head is no longer the judge and jury for all of the verdicts.
wishing you a day of feeling your most.
I want to float in a pool with girlfriends like that without worrying what the chlorine will do to my hair.
i want to look like you in a bikini.
So lovely! You know Gurmukh used to teach whole classes on the heart and mind meeting (someplace in the throat) uck, so hard, those classes! I love that you're making that superhuman effort.
xo Mary Jo
thank you…i've taken ONE chakra class…i thought i was going to throw up….we've been down this road before…i'm the worst meditator….