like the unsuppressed giggles of a baby, soldiering through round after round with the tickle monster, my summer has been one uncontainable jar of happy.
my work life is changing; in both script and costume, and i’m loving every higher stake, longer hour, and heavier responsibility that comes with it.
leveling the scale, i have committed to time alone; steeping in the tannins of summer’s sweet tea.
naps, books, candles, bath oils, a sink full of fruit, and moonlight patio wine-tastings,-her voice haunting us through the outside speakers-all landscape the canvas of this peaceful season where tension and toxicity are shown the door.
i appreciate my time; both the minutes that test me and the blissful hours where i reflect on and rolodex those trying times; evidence that i am resolute, i do have faith, and that my gut instinct to act with love rather than fear, is always the right decision.
summer lovin’ to you my darlings.
You're perfect, that is all.
i miss your beautiful face, THAT is all….