friday dark circles and breast pump blisters to you m’loves.
we are three weeks into parenthood, and cherishing whatever sleep we can get.
jones and priscilla, already on nanny-duty, insist on supervising every feed and diaper change. they, too, are grabbing naps at any opportunity.
besides the new little person and my loyal beasts {yes that includes my husband} here are some other things i’m LOVING this week:
during our hospital stay, the one piece of advice we received over and over again was the importance of having ridiculously, clean hands. until my girl gets her shots {which she most certainly will—-please don’t go there with me,} her immune system is vulnerable to germs and other uglies lurking on door handles, faucets, and cell phones.
have you ever looked at how germy cell phones get?!?! blech. it’ll stop you in your tracks next time you grab your android to facebook post.
besides mandatory hand washing for all, the doctors and nurses encouraged us to have anti-bacterial gel throughout our house.
i’m actually still dealing with a rash i caught from the gel they used at the hospital—super harsh to my skin, with ingredients more irritating than anne hathaway. so i was happy to find this more natural version from bath + body works.
eucalyptus and spearmint scented, this gel kills germs, smells heavenly, and doesn’t irritate mine or baby’s skin.
thank you to all who have offered me links for various “lactation cookies” to help with the breastfeeding; but the last thing this post-partum bitch needs is another cookie to eat–my pre-pregnancy weight is a long, 22lbs away and these maternity jeans aren’t getting any looser.
i’m sticking with {and luckily i LOVE} trader joe’s organic oatmeal.
super quick to make and it is perfectly delicious just on its own—no need to add sweetener or milk.
are you guys watching lip sync battle!??!
my stretches of tv time are lately confined to 30 minute increments {usually with me attached to a breast pump.}
and i’m kind of over anything too heavy, involving kidnapping, murder, or the abuse of a child and or animal. even keeping up with the kardashians seems to border on child abuse for this hormonal mommy—-seriously? when did that sweet, little kylie turn into rupaul?
lip sync battle is the perfect, 22 minute, giggle-inducing, brain-cell diminishing, small-screen nibble.
anne hathaway’s version of “wrecking ball” officially shuts down all her haters……
and as if ll cool j. hosting isn’t reason enough to watch.
so i’m on my third go-round of pamela druckerman’s bringing up bebe.
an american living in paris, druckerman investigates the intricacies of french parenting and how it leads to independent, self-sufficient, non-bratty, happy children.
hunkiest and i are trying to perfect “the pause”—-a tool in teaching your baby how to self-soothe without hysterics or leaving your baby feeling insecure or untrusting….no this is NOT letting your baby “cry it out” uncontrollably so back that opinon truck up right now.
the only crying-it-out taking place in this household is mine…’ing over the fact that i still give a rat’s ass about grey’s anatomy {major spoiler in link….}
i’m actually trying to employ “the pause” in other areas of my life needing a little less reactivity: my neighbor’s 6:30am saturday tree-trimming, my portion control come mid-afternoon, and now ABC primetime television.
i’ve pretty much stayed house-bound these last couple of weeks; any forray out into public becomes a drinking game opportunity where hunkiest and i take a shots every time someone tells me how tired i look…since i kind of want to avoid fetal alcohol disorder and we’ve run out of uber drivers, i’m limiting my outings.
when i do have to venture past my front door i make sure i’m shellacked in urban decay’s illuminating beauty balm. this vegan sunscreen/moisturizer/dark eye circle disguise helps me look a little less zombie, a little more planet earth.
so that’s all i got.
care to share what’s in your friday pocket o’favorites?
see you on the other side of sunday m’loves.
Yes…you be a momma tiger…everyone washes there hands! Thank you for pictures of hand gel, oatmeal and lip sync battles. I assure you…your public wants adorable pictures of a certain baby…and dogs. Better yet….babies and dogs.
You don’t even know how excited I got about your hand-cleaning obsession! If only everyone took so much care!
Hey crazy Mama! With no sleep at all, you’re still a better writer than all of America. Beautiful post! And OMG why would people tell you that you look tired. I think I’ll take a shot for you for that one. How RUDE!