do you feel what i feel?

do you feel what i feel?

and just like that. {poof} christmas is gone. we’re exhausted. “it’s over so fast.” jones is wrapping his giant head around the fact that, like milk bones, christmas is gobbled up in seconds. best to savor every morsel, taste, and chew of the...
shut the frige: melissa mcardle

shut the frige: melissa mcardle

 argh. there just isn’t enough room on the this web, of worldwide reach, for me to properly convey my adoration, love, and, ok i’ll admit it, obsession over today’s guest editor. the most rewarding part of blogging is the friendships i make. too...
fashion crime: a sequel…

fashion crime: a sequel…

don’t let her tufts of flaxen and inky black, {and always beguiling} eyes ensnare and fool you. this is what a criminal looks like. and she knows it. remember monday’s post where i confessed my mad, bordering on psychotic love for my new iris & ink...