weekend HAPPY

weekend HAPPY

friday toe-touch to you m’loves. how was the week? do you hope you get another one just like it in 4 days? or are you on bended knee, praying that you’ll never see the likes of that wrecked train of a week again? i think we could all use some cheering up. ...
thursday wish…..

thursday wish…..

dedicated to sweet teddy. rest in peace dear boy.  Similar posts:happy weekendscenes from a weekend....cloud nine weekendWe're on a Road...
heart beat faster!

heart beat faster!

what makes your heart beat in the tops of your ears? you know what i’m talking about. what stokes your coals so that you feel your pulse not only on the sides of your temples but in the ridges of your fingernails as you run your hands through your hair trying to...
ladylike tuesday

ladylike tuesday

i’m back to ladylike tuesdays. i’ve mentioned before how i prefer my night-dress rather than sporting sweats or shorts to bed. there’s something supremely ladylike about pulling a gown over my head, spritzing my perfume, and tramping out of the...