heavy rotation…..

heavy rotation…..

although four months old, tracks from M83’s hurry up, we’re dreaming are still played daily, both around the house, in yoga and in spin class. i can’t get enough of this album. yesterday another re-mix of midnight city was released, and you can be...
finding my inner alice in wonderland…

finding my inner alice in wonderland…

 today on fab.com, kitty mcbride, the designer & owner of the magical company, the divine chair, a “green” furniture company in its use of vintage frames, and a cutting edge design house with its mix of modern, unexpected fabrics, is offering some of...
oscar round up

oscar round up

on the whole, i thought last night’s show was rather meh in both the sartorial and entertainment arenas. i had the sense that most of the nominees and presenters would have given their most recent restalyne fill to have gotten out of last night’s gig, aka...
He doth protest too much.

He doth protest too much.

a couple of weeks ago i was in my fancy-nancy grocery store buying my 16th bottle of a supplement i most likely don’t need, sucking down a spinach, kale, ginger sludge which probably isn’t as health beneficial as i like to tell myself, meandering the pretty, shiny...
think pink!

think pink!

or in my case, think pink, frosted, cakey, melt-in-your-mouth, did i really eat six of those, donuts! hump day happy to you my loves! hope you’re doing something sweet for your beautiful self.   Similar posts:brewing on the braina weekend in review.....when...