

 yesterday afternoon a stranger, grabbed my un-manicured, heavily purell’d hand, looked me straight in the eye, and said: “young lady, you’re in mighty need of a road trip.” after what seemed like the world’s longest, awkward silence,...
don’t put another dime in the jukebox!

don’t put another dime in the jukebox!

 shimmy-shimmy right, shimmy-shimmy left.. wednesday head-bop to you m’loves. one week into july and i hope you’re jazz-hands-in-the-air enjoying it. here are a few new tunes i’m currently double-fisting into my ears: canadian artist and katy perry...

happy fourth of july…

fourth of july happy to you m’loves. i hope you’re enjoying a day of leisure and revelry; where getting corn on the cob out of your teeth is the most strenuous thing you’ll do today. i love this holiday; i’m a sucker for all things red, white...