i know. i know. {head hanging in shame} i’m officially that mother i’ve mocked for all of my life. and my little person is suffering the consequences of my blatant hypocrisy. although, from the way she juts that chin of hers, so sovereign and...
those words are still clanging in my brain, like how hours after a concert you can still feel the reverberation in your teeth? “so this is what you do all day, katie?” now a permanent tattoo in my cerebral cortex, trying to find elbow room amongst the...
Xpecting boutique is a southern california, one-stop shopping mecca for mommies; both pregnant and not. my partner in local-tomfoolery, leigh beach, and i were graciously asked by stefani, the owner of Xpecting, to kick off their social media campaign #pregnantornot;...
think less, feel more. i’ve been barking this mantra a lot, of late, to my students and clients as we grind through our 6am lung bursting, quad firing, will testing anaerobic intervals. “get out of your brain, get into your heart.” easy yes? one...