“Hello, Lover!!!”

“Hello, Lover!!!”

I consider myself a somewhat practical and reasonable girl…….. but these Chanel Pearl Pumps leave me slightly feverish with a less than responsible makeup. I MUST have them. They complete me. Imagine all the lady-like acts of goodness I’ll be able to...
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life…..

You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your life…..

The better half, my HH, is off away on business. Although the puppies and I miss him desperately when he leaves, we also know it means dance party with mommy!!!! So while he’s off slaying dragons, making sure the baby gets formula, us three monkeys will be Lady...
“Clean-Up Aisle 1, i think it’s Trout”

“Clean-Up Aisle 1, i think it’s Trout”

I’m always amazed when i do my shopping at Mother’s Market at the copious amount of terrible plastic surgery. We’re talking dreadful. That Scandanavian “gentleman” with his eyes so tautly pulled back , he now can pass for Thai; and his...
F*ck You J.Crew

F*ck You J.Crew

As if i didn’t hate myself enough? Just when i had  tucked and squeezed my half-japanese quads into your “skinny jeans” (mind you with the help of K-Y and a shoe horn) you have to throw toothpick jeans at me?!!??! Apparently it’s the...
Happy Laborious Day

Happy Laborious Day

I’ll be wearing my white pants, white flowy linen shirt, white flippers, and If fragrance until the clock strokes midnight. Adieu hyacinth candles, baths with the windows wide open, hot, sticky nights with the ceiling fans as our soundtrack, out of the saddle beach...