welcome to today’s latest edition of girl crush. i cannot contain my excitement that my stunning friend, anna ziebarth agreed to stop by gni today.
mother to zoe and lux, anna runs heavy petal flowers, orange county’s go-to floral design company for weddings and special occasions, with her equally beautiful sister, jena.
i’ve known anna for over ten years {gulp}, and she is literally the COOLEST person i know.
a trend setter like no one else, anna has an effortless, rocker chic, with an edge of california beach, girlie-girl style, that if she were a celebrity, paparazzi and fashion blogs would be following her every sartorial step.
and although the comparisons are often made, anna was our it girl way before alexa chung came onto the scene.
anna was also working the mid-century modern look in her sick, decked out pad, practically, at the TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY.
like i said, this girl, is a style trailblazer.
let’s pick her brain, and get to know a little more about my anna.
epicuren kukui nut lotion, epicuren x-treme screen sunscreen, lily lambert roll on perfume #22, dior show mascara, aquaphor– i use this for everything cuts, scrapes, dry skin, lip gloss…..you name it
no. 2: who is your style icon and why?
rachel bilson, i want everything she owns.
no. 3 what is your spring fashion must have item?
i just bought a pair of earnest sewn esra jeans and i’ve been in them every day, and i’d like a pair of warby parker reading glasses- since my recent failed eye exam i’ve turned into quite the eyeglasses connoisseur.
no. 4: finish the sentence….i can never leave the house without:
my ritual cleanse insulated re-usable shopping bags and Iphone.
“life is about to break your heart into a thousand pieces, but just remember to never lose sight of who you are and who you want to be. the journey will be long but worth it and when you look back you won’t regret a thing.”
no. 6: what would you do with 2 weeks off?
hawaii never gets old for me. i’d love to do one week on oahu with my daughters just surfing and sunning and the second week just relaxing, eating and reading at the four seasons maui with my boyfriend kevin.
no. 7: give me your 5 deserted island items…
my daughters zoe and lux, and kevin my boyfriend (they’re getting grouped as one), tyler rose bikinis, my canon DSLR camera- it’s big and bulky, but never disappoints in capturing my priceless memories, arugula- I can eat it morning, noon and night!, and my jura coffeemaker– a Xmas present from my girls and ex husband last year, and it makes the best coffee ever, i don’t go out for coffee, i go home.
no. 8: you and your sister, jena, run one of the most in-demand floral design businesses in southern california, heavy petal flowers; people are still talking about the kick-ass flowers from my wedding {seriously- i had the baddest, most rock star, hot-pink bouquet to date}, how do you keep such a successful business flourishing while at the same time, raise two incredible daughters, find time for your relationship, and manage to make it look so free-flowing and fluent? you never break a sweat anna nor cop an attitude.
when I was younger i thought i had to do it all. i was pretty overwhelmed and not really pulling it off. i’ve been humbled, i learned to ask for help, keep things simple and learned to give myself a break.
no. 9: what would you say is the most important for someone going into a business with a family member?
remember they aren’t just your family member they are your business partner. agree on what’s expected of each other before you do anything and always remain professional. early in our business, there was an ordering error and when it was discovered, i reverted back to sisterly squabbling – i had a very unprofessional freak out on my sister jena at the flower mart and afterwards was pretty embarrassed about it. now, jena and i both look back on this memory and can’t help but bust up laughing. i’ve learned it doesn’t matter who i am dealing with, my business partner, our clients, our vendors, always remain professional even in the most stressful situations.
no. 10: what are your favorite things about living in southern california?
i love surfing with my girls, eating at true food kitchen, riding bikes, celia’s breakfast bowls at mother’s market and everyone i love lives here and if they don’t, they love to visit.
no. 11: what are your least favorite things about southern california?
the reputation we have acquired….. i’ve lived in orange county my entire life and yet people are surprised to find that out. i grew up in a laid back so-cal environment…what happened to that way of life?
i’m off to utah for the weekend m’loves. i loved the weigh in on the wedding outfits…i actually took an alternative 4th route from the three options…
photos to come.
have a weekend most happy, and i’ll see you on the other side of sunday.
photos 3 & 5 by nouelle bouman
Anna is pure loveliness…not to mention her flowers! Love this and hoping you have a great time in Utah!
xo Mary Jo
Katie thanks for being such a great friend to me. I don't know how I would have survived the tough times in my life without our weekly pilates/therapy sessions. I am lucky to have you!!!
Have a safe and fun trip to Utah!
Love, Anna
PS- Photos are by Noelle Bouman http://www.imagesbynoelle.com.... I wonder if she knows there's another Noelle Bouman out there who is also a photographer!
great interview… love her girls… they are adorable!!!
The girl crush is totally deserved.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Holey Moley – I am still stuck on your friend's figure! Her legs should win some sort of award! Is that what Katie's classes does to your legs? I'm in. (Now heading back up again – those wedding flowers, wow)