a {wedding} weekend happy….

a {wedding} weekend happy….

so it’s here! the wedding of my dearest alexei will occur this sunday, and i couldn’t be happier for her. i’m on bended knee praying that my non-stop cardio parties and steady diet of cigarettes and coffee will make room for me in my bridesmaid...
fashion emergency….

fashion emergency….

so this is the deal: i’m in utah this weekend for a wedding…. it’s a “traditional greek-orthodox, mormon union”. {pause for effect} what in the name joseph smith and baklava am i supposed to wear to THIS? i have a couple of options, but i...
a new york minute

a new york minute

scenes from a weekend hunkiest channeling helmut newton. one enchanted evening indeed. cue the lights a’twinkle. a bride brighter than the shiniest of chandeliers. sugar. a soirée befit for zelda and f. scott. l’amour. shopping. the felines. rapture....
year two

year two

then came you. Similar posts:when the dog bites, when the bee stings.....I Succumbed!!New Year's Evepopsicles...