friday happy to you m’loves!
no, you’re not still tripping on last night’s portobello mushroom, i’m back for the second time this week.
i feel like i’m finally emerging from my self-ensconced, post-natal lair.
leaving the house for life outside of work and when the coffee runs out, is starting to happen more often.
i’m also resuming my crucial, uninterrupted time with my first girl, my heart, my love–my priscilla.
priscilla LOVES sutton…
case in point:
~a snippet of the hours of footage we have where priscilla watches over a newborn sutton.
she hasn’t left her wee charge since.
jones takes more of a hands-off, night’s watch approach; he guards the house, and minds the perimeter of the property–loving our girl from afar.
i adore these beasts more and more every day…..
here are few other things i’m loving on this fine friday:
this week marked my first forray back towards pre-baby fitness.
i’m not looking for a certain number on the scale, or a previous sized pant; what i care most about is how i feel.
i want/need/will pay good money, and/or will perform circus animal tricks for more energy.
i miss moxie in my joints and muscles.
i long for a feeling of spontaneity in my legs, arms and back; rather than the deadweight of a napping, grizzly bear i’m currently carrying in my shoulders, neck, and hip flexors.
the dailey method is my remedy.
it’s no secret the dailey method {TDM} is my favorite barre class.–and yes i’ve even taught for this ice cream sundae of a studio–they are hands down the best barre studio around. no one pays more attention to form, safety, and alignment–-you will NOT injure yourself in these classes {if you follow proper instruction and ask for modifications when necessary.}
shannon roberts, just one of the best girls EVER and luckily, my friend, taught the class, and effectively handed my “seat” to me.
i left the studio “lifted, toned, and stretched.”
there are currently 56 dailey method studios globally- i encourage you to try one out.
and if you don’t have a studio nearby…you can always purchase or stream their workouts…
now on to my favorite subject: food.
i’ve been living off these two soups from trader joes: the organic creamy asparagus soup + the organic roasted tomatillo gazpacho; both are vegan, filling, and delicious.
i’m not sure how the asparagus soup is dairy free; it’s as creamy-tasting as cupcake frosting, but without costume change into waistband-free, sweat pants.
and although the gazpacho says to eat “chilled,” i heat it up nonetheless.
if i wanted it cold, i’d serve it over tortilla chips with melted cheese and call it “salsa.”
—chilled soup!??!?!—so stupid!!!!!
and this could be my most favorite find of the year!
method PURE NAKED moisturizing body wash is the only grocery store/target/drugstore {mainstream consumer brand} body wash i’ve ever found that does not test on animals.
yes, you can buy specialty body washes at the grocery store, etc..but they’re always pricier, and typically available in scents that smell like yoga mats or tuna casserole.
this wash comes in surfside, magnolia {my favorite}, olive leaf {hunkiest’s favorite}, + a white tea scent.
it kills me that people lose their minds over cecil the lion {which deserves the outrage,} but in the next breath/post they’ll laud a company or product that tests on animals–which if you ask me, an entire life locked in a cage, poked, prodded, and poisoned {aka tortured} is still worse than a life spent roaming free in a national park until being mercilessly hunted down one night.
i’m not saying i’m perfect {i’m currently looking to replace my bounce bursts–found out they test on animals}–but, if animal cruelty is something you’re not down with, i believe a quick smartphone google of “cruelty free” the next time you go shopping can collectively make an impact.
now can someone please get me a gondola ride down from my soapbox?
i leave with you some jams for your weekend audio pleasure:
i have to give credit to my friend, my mate in soul and jukebox, john p., for reminding how much i love the paper town’s soundtrack.
there isn’t one bad song on the album {do people still call them albums?}
if i had sam bruno’s “search party” on cassette, the ribbon would already be unraveled from so much play + rewind; i’m apologizing in advance to my classes for the search party overdose.
santigold’s “radio,” kindess’ version of “swinging party,” + alice boman’s heartbreaking “be mine” are my other favorites.
and you…always you m’loves–you of course are my favorites too!!
weekend happy to you….let’s go out having a swinging party shall we?