thursday happy to you m’loves. here’s my concoction for a well-rounded, kick-in-the-pants, one more day until friday, 24 hours.  one part thrill. splashes of beauty.  two parts game. a dose of repose.  3 parts sing-song. the god’s honest truth. and...
in the words of neil diamond, “hello my friend, hello.” i’ve had a technological imposed vacation away from y’all where i filled my time with toffee consumption-that’s with a {T} and i’m talking 12oz boxes at a sitting, and booty...
Come on? I’m totally right! Cleaning out one’s junk drawer is just like cleaning out one’s ass: best done wearing gloves, by oneself, when everything else has already been scoured speckless. Yesterday, I found myself, alone in my spic and span house,...