like the unsuppressed giggles of a baby, soldiering through round after round with the tickle monster, my summer has been one uncontainable jar of happy. my work life is changing; in both script and costume, and i’m loving every higher stake, longer hour, and...
my spring wantonness is in full, top gun, need for speed effect. everywhere i look i see pink, lilac, and hydrangea needing their proper debutante balls. who am i fooling? I!!!!!! want my spring coming out party!!!!!! here are a few items i think may enhance my...
we southern californians received a nice dousing this morning. i think it was just mother nature’s way of speaking her mind over the last two days’ dismal behavior among many citizens. it was her method of taking a blubbering, inebriated, belligerent set...
monday sugar to you m’loves. did you fancy yourself a weekend chandelier sparkly? mine was restful, seeing faces i love, both my day-to-day cherished ones, and a few i don’t get to see nearly enough. on friday afternoon, a big joyful box from catbird...