tonight i am sweating for karma at villa pilates and yoga. brought together by infused fitness who is founded on the belief that “the value of a healthy community can inspire a multitude of happy lives.” i’m hoping with a combination of pilates,...
  today i’m ponying back up to the barre, the ballet barre that is, for another certification. it’s been a couple of years since my last lotte berk/barre workshop, and i’m on pointed toes with excitement. out of all the disciplines i teach i will...
yikes, a little late posting today, but i’ve got a good excuse!! yippee skippy!!! i can hardly enclose the elation!! my sweet friend, alexei, got me lots of public squawk today. {the good kind…not the ugly, blind item nasty stuff} holy smokes, i’m...
dahlings what are you plans for the forty eight hour holiday? dancing? drinks? dates? my plans aren’t set…..yet. i know there will be huffing and puffing, and tucking and squeezing. and that’s just when i’m on the clock. one thing i am craving...