change the station katie!

change the station katie!

i have to stop listening to “90’s on the 9;” my current satellite radio station of choice which plays non-stop, commercial free music from the nineties {aka my adolescence.} it’s bad enough that i already had every lyric of the divinyls...
9 days

9 days

9 full days now of “influenza.” my doctor won’t call it the flu, he insisted on repeating the above, four syllabic, flowery, italian sounding word for my week plus, bed-ridden affliction. i’m not sure if this was his way of getting me to lie...
not much has changed….

not much has changed….

34 years later and you’re still wearing those shoes; still putting them on the wrong feet even. you still insist on carrying a bag entirely too big for your person. and then moan and wail about your aching spine to whomever will listen. usually someone furry...