judges ruling…….

judges ruling…….

with all of this wretched “up an inch, down an inch” i’ve been committing to of late, i plan to have my legs peacocky for spring. i’ve decided to reward myself with a new pair of nekkid-shaded flats. typically i eschew the flat like i scoff at...
pillow talk

pillow talk

some feelings are best expressed under the covers. wishing you a tuesday of heart to hearts. ~photo taken by me   Similar posts:priscilla strikes again.desert bloomscenes from {an exquisite} weekcomfortably...
the weekend

the weekend

here’s to hearing music that whips my hair side to side with eyes closed even in a sea of strangers.   to pasta or fresh sourdough bread served piping hot to us in our dark booth in the back at our favorite date night restaurant.  to sweet kisses stolen at the...