tuesday happy to you m’loves. here are a few items tickling my whack-a-doo brain: the construction of an icelandic women’s prison is currently under design review. resembling more the cogs of a watch rather than the depths of hell, the holmsheidi...
i’ve noticed a theme lately in my pocketbook pursuits: white! i’m loving the fresh, instant spruce to the room, my face & even sometimes my mood, that the bright, sharp shade can give me. here are a few of my current fancies and booty i’ve scored...
friday happy to you m’loves. we’re expecting a glorious, moody, early spring weekend, full of mint green, misty, coastal mornings, warm coffee cups perpetually in hand, where the slower pace, and drowsy eye trumps fast, shiny cars and perfectly glossed...
i wouldn’t consider myself a chatty lass. maybe tis why i tack posts throughout the house….. this way i don’t have to talk so much. Similar posts:a walkaboutyear in review.....priscilla versus the pillowit's pretty...
i’m sure there was some sort of mistake. i’m so not worthy of such an award, but, in what i suspect was copious amount of black tar heroin consumption, the divine deborah of dumbwit tellher bestowed the very generous kreativ blogger badge upon moi. to say...