in my skin

in my skin

i’ve checked my birth certificate; it says orange county. i’ve been to therapy searching for possible memory repression; nope, i’ve lived in southern california my entire life. then, why tell me why, is san francisco the only city in the world where...
happy weekend

happy weekend

hh and i are in the city for a little bid’ness and family-ness. i’m not about to let the rain and wind damper my inner tatianna sorokko. i’m embracing street glamour, even if i freeze. these are inspiring me. here’s to you having a glossy...
Simple Things

Simple Things

christina is hosting the simple things today. a call out to bloggers to “show what we appreciate, and what we are grateful for – no matter how big or small, these things may seem.” if christina asked me to dig ditches with her all day long in the hot...
New Year’s Eve

New Year’s Eve

a photo prediction of my new year’s eve just a prediction. maybe everyone will cancel at the last minute, want to stay home, and we’ll play canasta. i’ll still get one hip shake to “men without hats”. click image for source Similar...