they’re here! they’re here! the berries are here! every summer, when our blackberries make their annual bloom, our old, beat-up, seen too many days in the sun, backyard-wall gets a vibrant coat of green, purple, and pink. no paltry, orange county-starved...
monday peace and love to you my kittens. my sweet, hard-working, deep-feeling readers, did mr. weekend give you the reprieve you had so greatly needed and deserved? as of last friday, my heart had been vitamixed into a questions-unanswered smoothie determined to...
i was fine. it was just a saturday night movie. sat between three i love, the rest strangers. i was fine. i ate my peanut m & m’s. got good and cranky at the twits behind me talking during the previews. made a mental note to see penelope cruz’s new...