dog days….

it happened overnight. summer. gone is my cool, springtime, sweater-inducing breeze; kidnapped, along with the sun, by humid-heavy clouds, replaced with an oppressive, dank, july heat that makes my hair dreadlock down the back of my neck into a thick, sweaty mullet,...

thoughts on a thursday morning….

even though, calendar-wise, we’re still technically in spring, around here the neighborhood air is coconut suncreen-scented, and beach-cruisers outnumber bmw’s. summer has arrived. here are some other undeniable things happening in my world: berries are...
strawberries: a recipe!

strawberries: a recipe!

strawberry season is here. the markets are ibiza dance-club crowded with this tummy-pleasing summer berry; one of my favorite foods since days of the spoon-fed pureé. i invariably have to buy an extra basket for the car ride home; there’s no such thing as me and...