white out…..

white out…..

i’ve noticed a theme lately in my pocketbook pursuits: white! i’m loving the fresh, instant spruce to the room, my face & even sometimes my mood, that the bright, sharp shade can give me. here are a few of my current fancies and booty i’ve scored...


i have on good authority that wheatgrass will take my vitamix juices to a whole new level of health. in addition to detoxifying the liver, fighting off tumors and neutralizing toxins, wheatgrass is healing for stomach problems: peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis,...
bottom of the jar….

bottom of the jar….

we all have them….those products you love so much that you’re scraping every last goopy bit out of the jar. and as much as the fancy, marketed ads and promises of new potions and lotions catch your eye and maybe even your one-time pocket-book, you still...