the blueprint of a hairwash

the blueprint of a hairwash

so tuesday’s dilemma of whether to nap or wash my hair ambled into a wednesday and thursday pickle as well. with sleep work winning out each time.  my mop is now it’s own california state university, equipped with a zoology and botany lab, and its own...
this is what depression looks like….

this is what depression looks like….

priscilla is realizing she has at least 10 more hours until her next meal. suck it up baby girl, that’s how i feel about my next nap… which i am happily to report won out yesterday over the hair wash. nap 1, hair 0..still. yes, my hair has yet to be...
does one “do” cocaine?

does one “do” cocaine?

i am highly suspect that foul play took place last night, involving my kale-cucumber brew, from mother’s market juicebar. sapped out and rehearsing my bedtime nursery rhymes, i was so outta gas, in both brain and body, unwrapping the disposable straw turned into...
clean slate

clean slate

a new year, a fresh start! it’s a great time to rethink and shake up how you care for your skin. as the seasons change, your stress shifts, your diet waxes on and off, and the weather plays naughty with the dewiness of your face. how about starting with a new...