spring training

spring training

last week it finally hit me, these thanksgiving and christmas pounds have over stayed their welcome. my holiday pants have slowly become the go-to reach. six pounds since november have made permanent residence on my body, mostly in the lower hemisphere, which kinda...
think pink!

think pink!

or in my case, think pink, frosted, cakey, melt-in-your-mouth, did i really eat six of those, donuts! hump day happy to you my loves! hope you’re doing something sweet for your beautiful self.   Similar posts:shut the fridge!resetweekend...
wednesday wellness

wednesday wellness

wednesday morning kisses to you m’loves. ironic i’m sharing my latest health tip whilst in the trenches of a {should be} bedridden cold/flu; my body waxes and wanes ‘tween the chills of a flu, and the fuzziness of a head cold. thank you all for your...