happy weekend

happy weekend

talk to me billy goats. what’s playing in your ears this weekend? the in-laws are arriving and i’m brushing up on behavior best. i’m on bended knee asking for sweet, continued slumber. my old friend, insomnia, has been knocking of late. we know what...
the things i’ll do….

the things i’ll do….

dear me how i love that hh o’mine. let me count the ways. for months he’s been wanting to behold all things blue-faced, 10 feet tall, and sapiently humanoid. in 3-d no less. i have thrown out every excuse possible: swine flu christmas new year’s...
off i go

off i go

goodbye weekend. good riddance to pity. nothing like a visit with adored aunt charla to send the scary sadness away. grilled cheese and homemade lentil soup help too. new week. fresh start. favorite detests the mopey; he’s always commanded a certain dignity. a...
in my skin

in my skin

i’ve checked my birth certificate; it says orange county. i’ve been to therapy searching for possible memory repression; nope, i’ve lived in southern california my entire life. then, why tell me why, is san francisco the only city in the world where...