like the hundreds of thousands of lawless, african honey bees who, with the discipline of an invading military, swarmed into tampa, florida, swaddling and engulfing two park rangers, the same could be said for our recent warm weather which has marched in and occupied...
*WARNING: this post contains an obscene amount of name-dropping….it’s how i make myself feel important and popular……carry on. holy laughing cow! be careful what you ask for katie. this weekend a grenade of inspiration exploded in my...
wednesday night in yoga, our, always, prophetic teacher, nicolette david, reminded us that everything we are feeling is just really a reflection of the energy we are sending out into the world. this morning i woke up still high from the fumes of this aphorism. i...
last night i totally blew my “detox.” i went downward dog deep into a jar of nutzo. {thank you raquel perry for the recommendation; i’l send you my shrink’s bill.} my new iphone doesn’t receive text messages or emails. i’m turning...
all three of these mantras are on my bucket list for the weekend. all weeklong i’ve been dreaming {literally while i sleep at night} of my beasts in various tumbles of goofy and highjink. i definitely foresee an upcoming competition of the tail-wag with these...
just when i think i’ve absolutely had it with facebook and its gossipy and passive agressive ways, something beautiful draws me back in. typically it’s an animal rescue story, or an interesting article or post from my thousands of “likes,” such...